Courtesy Runners & Extra Hitters
In high school, courtesy runners are allowed. Should a pitcher or catcher reach base, a courtesy runner is designated to run to help speed up the game. This gives pitchers and catchers a chance to get ready to go back on defense. In some areas though, the same courtesy runner must be used for the same player throughout the game. If the courtesy runner enters the game as a batter, fielder, pitcher or pinch runner, some areas allow another player who hasn’t played in the game yet to become a courtesy runner while others don’t allow anyone else to run for that person which means you will no longer have the courtesy runner for that position. Check this rule before the game so you are prepared. The courtesy runner is for the position and not person, so you can wind up having a courtesy runner in the game for two or more pitchers or catchers.
Courtesy runner EXAMPLE:
“Your attention please, courtesy runner at first base for catcher C. J. Hicks, #31 Aiden Findley.” Since the courtesy runner is running for both the position and the player in this case, you’ll announce both. But remember to announce as a courtesy runner. A pinch runner must either stay in the game, be replaced when that spot in the line-up when it comes to the plate again, or replaced defensively. A pinch runner also indicates that a player is coming out of the game, such as the person the runner is running for, or the pinch runner will also be replaced. In the case of courtesy runners, both the person being replaced and the courtesy runner will both still be available for later use in the game.
Some leagues, such as adult leagues, allow extra hitters to be added to the line-up. Technically, there can be only one designated hitter while there can be an unlimited number of extra hitters. You’ll announce the extra hitter just like you would for a designated hitter, but change designated to “extra”.