The NFL is looking at how to grab more viewers to its games with the possibility of shortening halftime, having fewer commercial breaks, and having the P. A. announcer make penalty announcements, among other things. The changes are noted in this piece from Street & Smith’s Sports Business Journal which came out earlier this week.
The NFL is looking at how to grab more viewers to its games with the possibility of shortening halftime, having fewer commercial breaks, and having the P. A. announcer make penalty announcements, among other things.
The changes are noted in this piece from Street & Smith’s Sports Business Journal which came out earlier this week.
Since there is a P. A. announcer aspect to this, we’ll chime in about how this affects announcers and if this should be a good idea.
The NHL now has on-ice referees announce penalties to help fans learn the official’s penalty signals, to explain why a play is being reviewed, and the result of the reviews along with other important announcements that should be explained to the crowd.
It’s even added a little dramatic effect to the games for some officials.
Major League Baseball, which has just implemented replay, has been looking at putting a microphone on the umpire to explain replay results. In this era of instant communication, removing an element of the game that is so informative to the fans is a bad idea. While most announcers are well versed in the rules and signals, not all are. Communicating with the crowd is always a good idea as it keeps not only the people in the stadium informed, but also those listening on the broadcast.
College has had officials mic’ed up for years, and now it’s becoming more and more commonplace among high schools. The communication factor is important and it quickly explains why calls happen, leading to less speculation. With the changes that have been proposed, we hope this is one that stays the same.
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